How We Are Run

The site is secured on a 20 year lease (expiring 2043) from Winshill Parish Council and is managed by an elected committee subject to the rules of our constitution.

The activities of the association are funded by a combination of grants, plot holder rentals and miscellaneous income.

A series of minutes and key documents are available on this page.

The running and maintenance of the site is fully dependent on plot holders volunteering their time. There is a wide range of activities & tasks that are manual or administrative in nature that are essential for the running of a community based project such as the allotment site.

These tasks include, but are not limited to:

    'Vacant & Waiting For You' by Gordon P: Plot 20

  • Attending work parties to assist with site maintenance eg vacant plot clearance & covering, hedge trimming, clearance of rubbish from site, painting, weedkilling etc.

  • Mowing orchard & roadways

  • Machine maintenance

  • Manning the shop and assisting with its running

  • Plumbing and switching on / draining down the site water supply

  • Site signage

  • Generate website content

  • Administer the annual seed order

  • Various one-off projects

The Committee strongly encourage every plot holder to get involved in helping us to keep the site running effectively, to improve it for all members and to promote the community spirit that we are looking to generate.


Your Committee

Hi everyone, my name is John Batten and I'm the Chairman of this family friendly allotment site.

I am also the Vice Chairman of Winshill Parish Council and part of the leadership team of Burton Family Church that meets in Tower View School.

I’ve 3 grown up children and 7 Grandchildren and you will often find me walking across the fields with my dog to find some peace and quiet!!!

I've had a plot here in Winshill for the last 8 years and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know other allotmenteers and their families! 

I know I might be biased, but I think we have an exceptional Committee. This year, along with other plot holders, they have helped us achieve an outstanding gold award from the RHS. Collectively the Committee are very proactive and always aim to meet the expectations of other plot holders.

So, whatever your ability, there is always something new happening and we would love to welcome you to be part of our expanding gardening community. 


Now let me introduce you to the rest of our Committee....

Hello, my name is Mitch Steel and I am Secretary on the committee for the Allotment Association. 

I have been living in the Winshill area since December 2019 having moved into the area from Derby where I held a large plot for 4 years. 

I work full time in the Transport Sector as Carrier Manager looking after a few hundred Hauliers. If that is not enough I am also the nominated SHEQ for the Office, Fire Marshal and First Aider. My hobbies are gardening, motorcycles - riding them, racing them and watching them such as the TT, MotoGP, WSBK and BSB.
My role here as Secretary for the committee, is to organise and take the minutes of the committee meetings and the yearly AGM, manage and maintain all documents and databases, be responsible for communications and administration for all the plot holders, conduct annual rent renewals and organise and manage the shop roster. This takes up quite a lot of my free time and my dog Lottie helps get things done. In addition to all that I take part in some of the work parties as well as looking after my plot where you can find me most of the time, plot 68.  


Hi, my name is Alan Moreton and I am Treasurer for the Association. 

As Bean Counter and Number Cruncher extraordinaire my main tasks are to rein in the financial excesses of the rest of the committee, bank the cash, pay the bills and produce the annual accounts.

You will also see that I combine the personality of Arkwright and the professionalism of Grace Brothers in my role of Shop Keeper to ensure 'You Are Being Served'. I am often out and about dressed like Compo, scavenging around the site as i  perform the function of Site Clearance expert on vacant plots  This satisfies my Steptoe like urges to reuse and recycle...... proving where there is muck there is .....

..... well .......more muck.

Oh .and not be alarmed if you see me burning stuff........its another hobby of mine.



Hi, my name is Elaine Dunn and I am the Letting Secretary for the allotment site.

You will find me on plot 49A, which I have had for the past 4 years and I have lived in Winshill for the past 40+ years, after moving up from Wales back in the 1970’s. This is the second time I have had this plot on the site. Unfortunately, children and their unending social commitments came in-between me and my allotment the first time around, and now I’m retired, they still try and take over, but I won’t be beaten this time!!!

My role as Letting Secretary is to keep up to date with any plot availability, maintain the waiting list and advise the next on the list when a plot becomes available, then arrange to meet and greet potential newbie plot holders to our allotment site.

I also accompany the Chairman John, on a monthly plot inspection, where we wonder around the site, checking on the progress of all the plots, making sure everyone is keeping on top of their plots and getting in touch if we feel anyone is struggling, to see if we can offer any help. At the same time, we check for any site damage that may need attention, and the general welfare of our site.

I also take part in many of the working parties we have on site to help to keep our site well maintained and tidy, but also it helps to get to know the other allotment holders and share not just tips on how to grow things, but to share a lot of jokes and banter!

John Batten (Chairman) is on plot 54

Mitch Steel (Secretary) is on plot 68

Alan Moreton (Treasurer) is on plot 3

Elaine Dunn (Lettings Secretary) is on plot 49A 
