Annual General Meeting Report for 2020



1. Chairman’s Report

2. Secretary’s Report

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Honorarium

5. 1,3,5 Year Plans

1. Chairman’s Report

Previous Minutes - 2019 AGM

The minutes of the 2019 AGM have been read and accepted as a true record of that meeting by the chairman. The minutes were distributed earlier this year to members and a copy can be requested from the Allotment Secretary.

Election of Officers and Committee Members

As previously communicated Rob and Lynette have stepped down from the Committee after many years of hard work and support. We are very grateful for all they have done.

It is great to have Andy Bell on board. He has already demonstrated a huge commitment to the team.

The following have agreed to serve on the Committee for another year.

John Batten - Chairman

Sue Hockley - Secretary

Alan Moreton - Treasurer

Terry Marsden - Committee Member (Grants)

Julie Batten - Social Co-ordinator

Andy Bell - Committee Member

It is an important factor that we 'nominate' and 'second' each one of the above Officers and Committee members. Could I please ask that several of you do this by return email to Sue.

One of the elements in past years that I have enjoyed is to extol the virtues of this team. This year would be no different. They are the best. Each one adds a tremendous amount of hard work to the upkeep of the site, a lot of it unseen, but all of it intended to make life on site more pleasurable than the previous year.

I would especially like to single out Sue who does an amazing job of supporting the Committee through her organisational skills and her ability to make all plot holders feel so welcome.

I also cannot let this year go past without again thanking Alan whose tireless work around all parts of the site does not go unnoticed.

My grateful thanks to each one of them.

1,3 and 5 Year Site Plans

You will have seen, especially in recent days, that there has been a lot of building work on site and this progress will continue into the next part of 2021 and beyond.

We are well on track to complete all of this year's building plans as well as the majority of the 3 year plan!! More detail is available later in this report showing our progress and our proposed works over the next 5 years.

Chairman's Appreciation.

There are so many of you who give their time and effort around the site but I would just like to mention a few.

Val Powell - for organising what seems to be the biggest seed order ever placed! Many thanks Val.

Chris Richardson - who has designed and launched an amazing website. This has been so instrumental in us now having a waiting list for plots and for us to have that central point for news and events.

Gordon Powell - for producing such an array of photos to make the above website look so appealing and just for being such a great bloke.

Brian Clarke and Pete Ambrose - for sorting out the picnic benches and for the constant upkeep of the amazing orchard.

Finally, for everyone who has participated in one of our maintenance sessions throughout this year. Thank you all so much.

Here's looking forward to everything good in 2021.

2. Secretary’s Report

Thank you to everyone for making this difficult year so positive by abiding by the COVID rules and remaining upbeat and helpful.

Welcome to all the new plot holders, you are so very welcome and we look forward to many years working with you.


Back in March 2020 we introduced allotment rules and guidelines in response to the government nationwide lockdown. Luckily, we were able to keep the site open but sadly, the shop had to close. You can read more about the financial impact of this in the Treasurer’s Report. We did manage to reopen the toilet block during the summer but ask that you continue to be cautious and responsible when using the facility, cleaning the areas you’ve touched ready for the next person. Please be aware of the number of people that touch the general areas such as the main gate. To stop your main gate key from sticking, clean it regularly by washing it in soapy water. This will help limit the time it takes to open and close the gate. Always wash/sanitise your hands after using a general use area.

Plots and Rentals

Monthly plot inspections were held from March through to October. It’s been a very good year for plot cultivation with just a handful of plot holders needing a gentle push. Thank you to everyone for helping to keep the whole site looking the best that it has in years.

For the first time in many years, we have been operating a waitlist for plots. The committee decided to extend the number of plots available by reopening plot 51 and making it into two half plots. Plot 51 had been covered to try to resolve the Mares Tail issue, however, with careful management we are hoping the plot can be cultivated successfully. We have also created two further plots - 33 and 34 behind the chicken coop.

Since January 2020 we have had:-

11 resignations

22 new plots holders

We currently have 1 plot available with 2 waitlisted enquiries under discussion for the plot at the time of writing.


The Chairman has already mentioned our new website - Please have a look as it contains some great information. Many of our new plot holders found us by using this site. We have invited the local parish council and East Staffordshire County Council to put the link onto their web pages. Thanks again to Chris Richardson for all his hard work and dedication.


BEE HIVES: Back in January, Len Gadsby retired from the allotments and so his two bee hives went with him. This leaves us one bee hive on site on plot 61. You may have noticed the jars of honey on sale this year, it was a bumper year for Ronan and his bees. It’s great to think we are helping the environment by having the bees at home on our site. Well done to Ronan and his bees for their great hive management.

CHICKEN CLUB: 2019 saw the arrival of 28 rescued ex-battery hens at the Winshill Allotments Community Chicken Club compound. A steep learning curved followed for virtually all the members and the improvement in the condition of the birds enjoying freedom for the first time in their lives was dramatic.

Although the club had started out with the aim of providing a better standard of living for the birds in their later years with eggs as an added bonus, some members felt that the club should also cater for those who wanted eggs on a regular basis.

Following a virtual meeting of all members it was agreed to extend the scope of the club to young pullets on the point of laying whilst still keeping to our original objective of housing rescue hens. The club was advised that young birds and the older hens would not mix happily so the compound was split in half and a new henhouse erected. A mixture of young pullets, three each of seven different breeds were purchased in July and are steadily coming into lay. The colours of these birds are something to behold.

The stock of ex-battery hens has also been replenished thereby honouring our original pledge.

If you are interested in finding out more about the pleasures membership and hen ownership can bring you and wish to join, please contact the secretary, Terry Giblin, on for a membership application form.

2021 Rent Renewals

To limit personal interactions and money handling, we have decided to use online payments where possible for the rent collection for 2021.

The process will be driven by e.mail and online banking. Don’t worry if you don’t want to do this as you will still be able to drop/post the rent to Sue’s house as in prior years.

Around the beginning of December everyone will receive a personal e.mail with details of their plot renewal fee for 2021 along with the online banking details and the process for payment.

For those not on e.mail, you will still receive a written letter through the post.

3. Treasurer’s Report

The financial statements are prepared on a cash accounting basis. There are no accruals or prepayments impacting on the results in the Income & Expenditure or the Balance Sheet. No depreciation is charged to the Income & Expenditure.

Despite on the face of what has been a difficult year, much has been achieved on the site and I am pleased to report another robust set of financial results that reflect the effective management and maintenance of the site and ongoing investment in its facilities.

Total income for the year of £9,125 was 71% more than FY 2018/2019. This was driven by a £2,435 increase in grant income. Other significant year on year increases were £859 re seed orders, £1035 re donations, and £305 re key deposits. Due to Covid restrictions the shop was closed from March 2020 resulting in a fall in sales of £966. A detailed breakdown of income is analysed in page 2 of the attached financial document.

Total expenditure for the year of £8,618 was up by 88% compared with FY 2018/2019. The significant areas of increase were £2,810 for the raised bed projects, £1,218 on maintenance (including the new car park and asbestos removal) and £674 re the seed order. Areas of reduced expenditure include £594 re shop stock and £532 re equipment. A detailed breakdown of expenditure is analysed on page 2 of the attached financial document.

The increased levels of income and expenditure have resulted in another profit for the year of £507.

In line with the commitment I made at the last AGM, at the year end we hold cash and bank balances of £5,062. Of this amount £1,725 is ring fenced key deposit monies.

The annual review of the finances has highlighted that the current level of service charge continues to cover the costs that we incur re insurance, NSALG subscriptions, water and electricity costs. There is no proposal to increase the rentals for 2020/2021.

It is envisaged that FY2020/2021 will be another year of more major project spend in line with the 1,3,5 year plans. Any significant exceptional spend will have to be supported by additional grant income sourced from public funds and other funding entities. To this end the Committee continues to invest a considerable amount of time and effort identifying and sourcing grants.

4. Honorarium Proposal

It is recommended to keep the honorarium at £450 for next year and split it equally between the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

It is an important factor that we 'nominate' and 'second' the Honorarium payment. Could I please ask that several of you do this by return email to Sue.

5. 1/3/5 Year Plans

Finally in this 2020 AGM communications document, we would like to share the current 1, 3 and 5 year plans. Some of this timetable has been restricted by the Coronavirus outbreak.


1 year plan as of 01/01/2020



All that are currently serviceable are either rented out or at the very least cut back, weed killed and covered in weed suppressant material giving Sue more rental options.


Raised Beds 45A and AA.

Obtain grants and use existing funds to have another 4 raised beds built that allow access for those with physical limitations. Completed.

Car Park Extension (Plot 45B) and Road Surfaces

Level, hardcore and lay Groundtrax type covering. Completed.

Make good road surfaces where required. Some completion but ongoing.

Equipment (shed)

Complete a comprehensive review of what we have and what we need for the future

Set up a service plan for the equipment to ensure longevity is achieved.

Appoint someone who can not only do the above but can train others on the safe use and hiring out of equipment to plot holders and to review our safety guidelines.


Can we be a ‘go to place’ for other allotment associations to purchase goods? Shop plans not achieved due to COVID-19 closure.

Communal Compost Area

Build this behind the chicken enclosure - 3 bays. Complete education sessions to ensure good understanding of the processes required to keep this facility in good order. Costings and drawings completed. Some materials obtained. Grants applied for.

Maintenance Yard.

Design and build an area where we can store materials that could be used in future projects. This yard can also be used for the safe storage of resources cleared from redundant plots. Completed.

Promotional Activity.

Design and launch a comprehensive weblog that will include educational features, promotional topics and pertinent legal details. Completed.

3-year plan – unchanged as of 01/01/2020


Plots - all rented out, taking into account people leaving the site. Completed.

Redundant Bonfire Area - pushed back further to allow more raised beds. Completed.

Waiting List - in operation. Completed.

Raised Beds - Plots 45 and 45A completed. Start on Plot 50.

Road Surfaces – quotes obtained to resurface bottom road. Completed.

Equipment - more robust equipment available e.g. ride on mower etc.

Maintenance Block - roof recovering in budget. Block and doors to be painted.

5 year plan – as of 01/01/2020

Plots - site completely cultivated. Waiting list in operation.

Road surfacing - complete around all the site.

nd all the site.