AGM Minutes 2019

Winshill Allotments & Gardens Association

Minutes of the AGM of the Winshill Allotments and Gardens Association held Monday 25th November 2019 at 7pm at Winshill Methodist Church, High Bank Road, Winshill.

1. Present

Many plot holders attended this meeting

2. Apologies

Apologies received from 5 members

3. Minutes of last Committee Meeting

The Chairman welcomed everyone and stressed that the AGM is for all members to get as much out of as possible and so encouraged the attendees to ask questions. The minutes of the AGM dated 20th November 2018 were read and accepted as a true record of that meeting by the members present and signed by the chairman. Proposed and seconded by Val Powell and Terry Marsden.

4. Chairmans Report

The Chairman said what a privilege it has been to be the chair of the society for the 3rd year running. The Chairman then welcomed the new members to the allotments.

It has been a good year, building on the strong foundations set by previous committees over the previous years. There is a real sense of momentum and community building within the allotment community now. The working parties have been a great success and lots of work has been done.

The Chairman thanked the Allotment Secretary for all her work and also the Treasurer for all the hours he has spent on the allotment this year and how he works tirelessly to save us money where he can.

Thanks also to the Social Secretary for her lovely cakes and refreshments throughout the year, to Lynette and Rob for their support on the committee and the allotments and to Terry for the same plus the work he’s done to get grant money for new raised beds.

Finally, the Chairman said a big thank you to Val for her work on the seed catalogue and to Gordon for his work on the Educational sessions which were a big hit with the plot holders.

The Chairman then presented Len Gadsby with a special retirement gift as Len is leaving the allotments after many years of service to the committee and to the allotments. We all wish him well for the future.

5. Secretaries Report

The Secretary added her thanks to everyone for helping to make the allotment year so positive.

The shop opened in April and we endeavoured to open it every Saturday through
the season. The Treasurer will talk through the financials, but the Secretary thanked every
one who took the time to man the shop and for those allotment holders who frequented it.

If anyone has any ideas of any other products they would like to see for sale in the shop, please let the committee know.

This year we ran 4 very successful educational sessions. Many thanks were given to Gordon Powell for running these sessions. The committee are thinking about running further sessions next year and looking at how to make them more interactive.

The committee apologised for the lack of a summer picnic this year, but on both occasions, the weather got the better of us. Let’s hope we have better luck next year.

Monthly plot inspections were held from March through to October. There have been a number of plot holders that needed to be pushed along with their plots. A number of ‘amber’ letters asking for plot holders to improve their sites were also sent out. We’ve had a few newbies who have been ‘no shows’ once they have signed up for a plot, so this is an issue for us. New plot holders are vetted as much as possible but occasionally we get let down. A document has been produced to send to people enquiring about an allotment plot spelling out the time, commitment, money and effort it takes. It is hope this will help people make sensible decisions before committing to a plot.

The committee has decided to make a number of smaller plots, measuring about a third of a plot, available. Plot 10 is the first of these and we are trying to point potential new plot holders towards the smaller plots to make sure they are able to give the necessary commitment before taking on a larger site.

6. Allocation Secretary Report

Through this year we have had the following plot changes:-

15 new plots were rented out this year

9 resignations were received

Of the 9 resignations - 4 were from new plot holders - so nearly a quarter of all new plot holders didn’t last the season. 1 through ill health, one was a complete ‘no show’, two due to work commitments.

We currently have 8 plots available.

7. Treasurers Report

Total income for the year of £5,325 was 18% less than FY 2017/2018. This was driven by a £700 fall in grant income, £300 drop in misc. income and a fall of £800 in key deposits. Rental income increased by £500 as a result of the increased service charge implemented in 2019.

Total expenditure for the year of £4,573 was down by 56% compared with FY 2017/2018. The significant areas of decrease was £670 for new security keys for the front gate and £5,400 for the new shop shed and building costs incurred last year. 2019 saw what could be described as a normal year of expenditure with no capital spend or major repairs incurred.

Minimal investment of £552 was made in equipment for the year.

In line with the commitment the Treasurer made at the last AGM, at year end we hold increased cash and bank balances of £4,555.

An annual review of finances has highlighted that the current level of service charge continues to cover costs. There is no proposal to increase the rentals for 2019/2020.

At this point, there was a vote of thanks to the committee by the members at the AGM.

7. Election of Officers

Chairman: John Batten offered to remain in the role. Proposed by Terry Marsden & seconded by Gordon Powell, he was duly elected

Treasurer: Alan Moreton offered to remain in the role. Proposed by Bob Corcott & seconded by Julie Batten, he was duly elected.

Secretary: Sue Hockley offered to remain in the role. Proposed by Celia Zaman &
seconded by Len Gadsby, she was duly elected.

8. Election of Committee Members

It was noted that now that Len Gadsby is retiring from the allotments, he will no longer take his place on the committee and therefore, his family Lee and Julia will also no longer be attending. Thanks were given to them for their input over the past few years. The remaining committee members; Lynette Andrews, Rob Pilkington, Julie Batten, Terry Marsden have all agreed to remain on the committee for another year. Proposed by Val Powell, seconded by Judy Keen.

At this point, the Chairman asked for any volunteers to join the committee to fill specific roles, namely; Communications, Shop, Maintenance and Equipment. Chris Richardson volunteered to review the Web site options under Communications. Bob Corcott offered to show potential new plot holders around and Rosemary Marsden volunteered to support the secretary with e.mails etc.

9. Honorarium

It was recommended to keep the honorarium at £450 for the following year and split equally between the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Proposed by Bob Corcutt and seconded by John Stretton. Duly agreed and carried by the meeting.

10. 1, 3, 5 Year Plans

The Chairman presented the 1, 3 and 5 year plans to the meeting. He stated that these plans are all aspirations as without significant help from other plot holders, some of these things just will not happen.

The committee would like to see improvements to the raised beds and this will be achieved hopefully through the allocation of grant money. A car park extension at the entrance to the allotments was proposed to give more parking capacity on an area that isn’t used. This year, a complete equipment review will take place along with a service plan for the kit we have on site.

The committee would like to make the shop more available during the growing season and review the products we have on offer.

There needs to be wider and more comprehensive publicity for the available allotments. Including a web site. Finally for year 1, we would like to build a communal compost area.

To achieve these things, working parties will be trialled to run mid-week as well as weekends.

Gordon Powell expressed his concerns that the proposed site compost bins would be used for the wrong kind of rubbish. It must be strictly controlled as previous attempts found that plot holders abused the facility. He proposed one composter per plot provided by us rather than communal facilities. His suggestion was noted by the committee.

Bob Corcutt recommended we purchase an industrial shredder to help overall composting. Again, his suggestion was noted by the committee

Herb Coken asked about the plans to introduce environmentally friendly slug pellets and suppressants. The Treasurer explained that legislation banning blue slug pellets had been challenged by the industry and the ban has been halted. However, we are purchasing wildlife friendly slug pellets for the new season but it is more expensive.

The meeting were in agreement with these plans for year one.

By year 3 we would like to have all the plots rented out with a waiting list in operation, more raised beds, better road surfaces, more robust equipment e.g. a ride on mower etc. and a new roof on the maintenance block. Finally, we would like to achieve Winshill in Bloom visits to the allotment site.

11. Chickens on Site

The Chairman introduced Peter Ambrose, Chairman of the Chicken Project. Peter explained how the project had progressed and that 28 chickens are now on site and are all very healthy, producing up to 170 eggs each week during the summer months.
There are still 5 hens that haven’t been adopted and asked members to consider joining the club. He assured the AGM that security is good, logs are kept and rosters are in place - all to ensure good hen welfare.

The Chairman thanked Peter and his team for all their hard work and for meeting the very stringent conditions set by the allotment committee.

The Chairman also mentioned the new Bug Hotel that is situated at the top of the site and thanked Julie Batten for her hard work in making it happen.

12. AOB

A new booklet showing a year in the life of the allotments has been produced by Julie Batten and a copy will be placed in the shop for people to read.

Len Gadsby’s bees have now been moved off site due to his retirement.

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and duly closed the meeting.

13. Date of next meeting

The date & location the next AGM will be set during the course of the year at one of the quarterly Committee Meetings.